
Showing posts from May, 2022

Chapter20 Long road to Amarillo

Oklahoma stretched out for so long, it seemed as if Texas would never arrive.  Signs announced Elk City just ahead, which according to Bill was close to Texas. Billboards littered both sides of the highway, often advertising accommodations still hundreds of miles away. Behind them, like the backdrop to an old wester, flatlands stretched out to the horizon. Texas came without fanfare, little changing except for the signs that announcing Amarillo ahead, though a number of small towns came first, like Shamrock, popping up out of the dusk like a cactus, with  its already famous U-Drop Inn Cafe, a building of white brick, awning over the side windows like vintage Victorian building and two pointy towers, one saying cafe, above the U-Drop Inn, the other saying Conoco, with a 76 degrees cool sign, and an overhang next to this for the Tower Motel. Signs dotted that whole side of the highway, making the place look more crowded than it actually was. Once the bus rolled out of the tiny town again