Chapter18 A friendly warning

I tried to read to get through the boredom of the miles, never fully appreciating how wide America was until having it rumble under the wheels of the bus. How did the pioneers endure it traveling at ten miles an hour rather than 60, mile after mile after mile passing by the window, looking – for the most part – primarily the same. Inside the bus, the other passengers looked as bored as I felt, some staring out at the empty space of the roadside in search of some easy distraction. Others dosed or read or talked in whispers to their seat mates, the content I did not catch. At Catoosa, we were greeted by a huge, blue whale made of stone and a sign called it The Big Blue Whale, a water attraction that featured an open mouth displaying its teeth, a big white eye, a hole on top, and a series of holes along its forehead, with a gap in the back, and a water slide out its side. No water showed around it anywhere nor splashing kids. Perhaps it was the wrong season, yet I got the fe...